Experimenting with Storify

For reasons that will be more obvious to some of you than others, I’ve been interested for some time now in a good tool for embedding tweets into, say, news stories. Or blog posts. Anywhere it might come in handy to use tweets to tell a story. I’ve been trying out curated.by a little bit, but it’s a little clumsy for my use case, I think. Or at least, the embeddable widgets it produces aren’t suitable.

But I just had a very easy time fiddling around with Storify. Check Nieman Lab’s own Storify experiment for a bit more detail about the startup, the launch, and the founder.

And here’s my embedded story about the weather:



One response to “Experimenting with Storify”

  1. I hope this reaches you old friend, but my older friend pete incaviglia has

    just reminded me to wish you a happy birthday.


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